Life's Goods

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Here Active Listening Gives Users Control of Audio Environments

Imagine a world where you could personalize your live audio environment; you are on a train and the crying baby next to you is deafening or you are walking through the city and the hustle and bustle is too distracting, with Here Active Listening you can adjust these sounds for a pleasing, enhanced audio environment. "Use two wireless, in-ear buds and a smartphone app to control what you hear and how you hear it," says the product's description. Here is essentially the first development in "hearable" technology, because it allows users to control real world volume and mix their world with the live music equalizer, reduce the reverb at a concert or crank the bass at a violin recital. The developing team, Doppler Labs, also includes preset filters that combine volume, EQ, and effects to elevate the audio environment, such as "Hendrix" for a rock 'n' roll vibe. See the product in action in the video below, and note Here Active Listening is simply a prototype now, but you can move the project along by backing its KickStarter campaign here.